The Euro coins from Slovenia
The Design of the national side of the Slovenian euro coins were presented to public on the 7th of October 2005. On the 1st of January 2007 Slovenia replaced its former currency Tolar by the euro. In June 2006 by the Ministers of Finance of the European Union specified the rate of exchange by 239,640 Tolar for one euro. The country now has also the right to shape approximately 230 million euro coins with a value of approx.80 million euro.
The coins sketched by Miljenko and Maja Licul as well as Janez Boljka have the signature SLOVENIJA (Slovenia) on the border interrupted by twelve stars. The coins show the following motives:
Slovenski evro kovanci so kovanci za evro, katerih eno stran je izbrala in oblikovala Slovenija. V Sloveniji bomo evro začeli uporabljati 1.januarja 2007. Predvidoma bo skovanih priblino 230 milijonov kovancev v skupni vrednosti okoli 80 milijonov evrov.
Avtor podobe nacionalne strani slovenskih evrokovancev je Miljenko Licul s sodelavcema Majo Licul in Janezom Boljko.
Motive 1 ct: A stork On the 1 cent coin we see the the same motive as on the former 20 Tolar coin.
torklja, motiv ki je bil uporabljen na kovancu za 20 SIT.
Motive 2 ct: The Prince's Stone The 2 cent coin shows the Prince's Stone (Kneji kamen), on which the Carinthian duke installation took place.
The illustration of the Prince's Stone on the two-cent coin provided irritations with some Carinthian politicians, since in their opinion the prince stone was no historical element of the Republic of Slovenia and feared therefore the collection of their national symbol.
Od začetka leta 2007 naprej so v obtoku slovenski evrski kovanec za 2 centa s knejim kamnom na zadnji strani.
Motive 5 ct: The Farmer Ivan Grohar, Slovenian Impresionist painter. "Sejalec" (Sowing man), who sows thirteen stars.
Ivan Groharjev (1867-1911), slovenski impresionisti slikar, Sejalec je el sejat zvezde.
Motive 10 ct: Cathedral of Liberty The 10 cent coin shows Joe Plečnik's draft for a (not carried out) parliament building and the inscription "Katedrala svobode" (Cathedral of Liberty).
Plečnikova ideja zgradbe slovenskega parlamenta z napisom »katedrala svobode«.
Motive 20 ct: Lipizzan On the 20 cent coin you see two Lipizzaner with the inscription "Lipicanec" (Lipizzan).
Par lipicancev v igri. Lipicánec je pripadnik svetovne znane pasme konjev, vzrejene na Slovenskem, v Lipici.
Motive 50 ct: Triglav The 50 cent coin shows the mountain Triglav underneath the constellation of the cancer (Slovenia became independent in June 1991) and the inscription "Oj Triglav moj dom" (Oh Triglav, my homeland).
Triglav in nad njim pa ozvezdje Ozvezdje Raka, zodiakalnega znamenja, v katerem je Slovenija postala samostojna ter napis »Oj Triglav moj dom«.
Motive 1 €: Primo Trubar (1508-1586) Primo Trubar, a Protestant preacher, who is considered as the founder of the Slovenian literature, with the transcription "Stati inu obstati" (stand and exist).
Primo Trubar, slovenski protestanski duhovnik, pisatelj, prevajalec, in napis "Stati inu obstati"
Motive 2 €: France Preeren (1800-1849) France Preeren, is considered as the greatest Slovenian poet. In 1994 his poem Zdravljica became the official Slovenian national anthem.
Preernova Zdravljica z uveljavitvijo zakona o grbu, zastavi in himni, ki ga sprejme Dravni zbor RS, tudi uradno postane slovenska himna.
Embossing place
The Slowenian coins are manufactured in the embossing place in Helsinki-Vantaa (FIN).
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